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Portrait Packages

Each package includes a customized online gallery to view your digital images with music and slideshow features, a print release and the listed number of downloads. I'm also here for you every step of the way, to answer any questions you may have, to help you choose outfits or hairstyles for the session.

 I want to make sure that you get images that you love!   Like many things in life, editing style is a matter of preference and yours is the most important to me!

Which is why I involve you in the second step of my editing process. I take one the images, and edit it with 3 different styles. I send over a low resolution cropped collage, giving you to power to choose the style that you like.

My goal is to create a fun experience that takes the pressure away from picture day. I want us to be silly and laugh while we create perfect little moments in time, that we can freeze into photos that you love!

 Don't wait to visit your family photographer, book those breastfeeding portraits, celebrate the birthdays and capture those milestones....

“Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.” 

― E. Roosevelt

So why not freeze this moment, right now before its too late?

Book Online

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